Editor and literary Adviser of the international fair of the book (FIL) in Guadalajara, said that the term Latin American boom is an inadequate expression, because "literature is not born by spontaneous generation, as it denotes that expression".  "It seems as if there had been nothing before that time, and as if there conclude everything. That is not possible, because literature has continuity".  What happens "is that the 1960s was a decade of extremely valuable literature. Spain, ignited this focus with Carlos Barral head, at the end of the Franco regime".  "Then appears the possibility of knowing the Latin American novel. Later, with the death of Franco in 1975 and the incorporation of Spain to the European economic community, the Spanish more by Central European literature than by Latin Americans, interested is affecting the so-called boom. The writing continues, although it has now broadcasting as much as those authors. Today the problem is not the creators, but the readers" on the radiografias.


Editor of Porrua, honored in this FIL publishing merit award, participated directly in the Latin American boom by publishing one hundred years of solitude, García Márquez and other no less important books of Julio Cortázar, Manuel Puig, Sergio Pitiol, Álvaro Mutis, among others. Porrúa believes the current literature "there in tendencies towards renewal, which will increase in these years". "But now I'm not as aware as before, I think that many new things that will surprise everyone will appear. Some authors of high quality, as the Argentine Rogelio Fresán"on the radiologia.